What have we been up to? (Year B)

Seasonal Baking
As part of our new topic in DT 'Seasonal Food' we decided to do some baking which involved using the ingredient flour. We measured, combined and mixed the ingredients to make a delicious marble cake. The  children worked together, ensuring that they followed the right hygiene and safety procedures whilst handling food. Prior to our baking lesson, we explored the meaning of the word 'seasonal' and discussed the process in which grain is planted, harvested and then ground down to make flour.
Children in KS2 should.. 'Understand seasonality, and know where and how a variety of ingredients are grown, reared, caught and processed.' - DT National Curriculum
Picking Plums!
After our DT lesson we decided to go into our school garden and explore all of the seasonal food which is in season. We found that there were blackberries and plums which were ripe. We then picked some plums and tasted them!
'Princess and the Pea' Story Map
In English we have been learning about the fairy tale 'Princess and the Pea'. We decided to create our own story map based on the key events from the story.
Skipping Festival 
This week the children in Pine Class enjoyed taking part in a skipping festival. During the festival the children enjoyed developing their solo skipping skills alongside fun skills with a partner. 
Marley Cote Farm
As part of our new geography topic 'Where does our food come from?'. The children in Pine Class visited a local dairy, we had a wonderful morning seeing the cows, visiting the milking shed and talking about how milk is pasteurised. 
World Book Day 2024
To celebrate World Book day we had an exciting visit from a local author and completed some wonderful activities based on her new upcoming book!
Science -States of Matter
In science the children in Pine Class have been exploring the behaviour of different particles. We explored the behaviour of gases using counters and discussing our ideas with a partner. 
We found out that temperature can affect the energy and movement of gas particles.
Exploring Changing States
Last term in science we learnt about states of matter. As part of our topic we observed how states change state and made our very own puddings. We made delicious jelly and melted chocolate to make chocolate crispy cakes.
Making Expanded Noun Phrases
As part of our topic 'Nonsense Poetry', we have been exploring expanded noun phrases. In groups we made our own noun phrases using adjectives, nouns and preposition. After we built our sentences we labelled our noun phrases.
Making French Birthday Cards!
As part of our MFL curriculum, the children in Pine Class have been learning all about numbers, days of the weeks and months. At the end of the topic we created our own Birthday cards, writing our Birthdays inside in French!
Visiting Community Spaces
As part of our RSE/PHSE we went for a walk along the village to explore why and how our local community spaces are being used. We visited different spaces and discussed who may use these spaces and why.
Victorian Baking!
In preparation for our Victorian day tomorrow, we helped Mrs Seymour make some delicious treats!

We learnt about how to stay safe in the kitchen and helped prepare jam tarts, sausage rolls and a Victoria sponge.
Victorian Day
To celebrate Victorian Day, Pine Class had a lovely day participating in a Victorian handwriting lesson, creating a Victorian pattern and enjoyed a delicious lunch!