Class Pages
Larch Class (Nursery and Reception)
Spruce Class - (KS1) - Year 1/2
Pine Class (KS2) - Year 3/4
We had a lovely time on our school trip to Newcastle, we visited Fenwicks window.
We learnt about toys from the past
We compared Newcastle to Slaley.
We took part in the school games Christmas special.
Nursery made some gingerbread men
We have been learning about our feelings using art and the Colour monster story.
We've been learning how to program Beebot
Singing 5 little monkeys jumping on the bed in music
Colour matching in the maths area.
Sorting shoes by size in maths.
Making our class charter cake.
Reception have started word building in phonics.
Phonics fun in the water tray.
Colour mixing
Making magic porridge in our sensory tray. Responding to our 'Magic Porridge Pot' Drawing Club stimulus.
We built this city on junk and oats! Responding to our 'Magic Porridge Pot' Drawing Club stimulus.
Digging for dinosaur bones - how did they get there?
Learning how to sew.
Expressing different emotions through music.
Building with large stones
Threading practice
Constructing with the large blocks.
Planting Sunflower seeds.
Practicing different ways of moving.
Practicing our balancing in PE.
Enjoying our s'mores
Toasting marshmallows over the fire.
Making natural art after looking at the work of Andy Goldsworthy.
Making bird seed biscuits to attract birds to our garden
Ticking off each bird as we see it
Using the bird identifier window
Checking which birds we can see
Making bird seed biscuits to attract birds to our garden