February 2024 Inspection

Key points mentioned in our feedback meeting with our Ofsted Inspectors...


Quality of Education

Our new curriculum is effective and ambitious; it is well matched to the children's needs and there are some skilful adaptations made in order to ensure all children are able to access it at their own level.

We effectively use our environment and teachers have strong subject knowledge which promotes good progress. We have high aspirations for our pupils and our reading offer is strong. Lessons are well linked to each other, are progressive and pupils apply their previous learning well. Our SEN offer is extremely good.


Our safeguarding is effective and all parents who completed the Ofsted online survey said that their children feel safe in school.

Personal Development

Our Personal development offer is very strong and the Inspectors were impressed by the amount of free extra opportunities that the children are given, especially since we are such a small school and lots are facilitated by staff. They said we know our families really well and we have some real strengths.