Art and Design

Below is the Long Term Plan for Art and Design. We are currently working on Cycle B (2023-2024)
Prehistoric Art 
In KS2 the children have been exploring art inspired by the prehistoric period. They have found out that jewellery from the Stone Age was made from shells, stones,  animal bones and teeth. Inspired by the Stone Age, the children having been making a Stone Age necklace.
Vincent Van Gogh
In Art this term the children have been exploring the artist Vincent Van Gogh. They have been sketching, observing, painting and drawing their own artwork inspired by the artist.
Roman Mosaics
Children in KS2 have been exploring art inspired by their history topic 'The Romans'. They have been looking at mosaics and have been discussing the different styles of mosaics the Romans made. After reviewing some photographs the children have designed their own mosaic which they will be making using paper, paint and old tiles. 
Creating Mosaics
In Art the children in Class 2 created their own mosaics using old tiles. 
George Seurat and Pointillism 
As part of our new art topic 'Pointillism', the children in Pine Class have been exploring the features of pointillist artwork, as well as the life of George Seurat. The children enjoyed comparing Pointillism and Impressionism.
During our lesson the children experimented with cotton wool buds, pens, paint, straws and paintbrushes to create their own pointillist patterns. 
Printing Patterns
As part of our new topic of 'patterns', the children in Pine class designed and created their own stamps. Using string and card they stamped their own patterns using rotation, reflection and symmetry.