
Our top priority at Slaley First School is to keep our children safe.  Because of this, we have two members of staff who have received further safeguarding training.

It is a legal requirement that each school should have a named school Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) for Child Protection.

In our school we currently have two members of staff who have received the training to be DSL teachers.

They are:

Mrs Angela Hayward - DSL 

Mrs Rachel O'Neill - Assistant DSL / LAC and Post LAC & Mental Health Lead


The DSL follows the guidance laid down in:

DfE document - Keeping Children Safe in Education - September 2023

And the Interagency Procedures produced by the Local Safeguarding Partnership (NSSP).

The Northumberland LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer) is Louise Prudhoe and can be contacted by email at or by telephone on 01670 623979