January 2019 Inspection

Excerpts from our 2019 Ofsted Inspection Letter: 

‘There is a real sense of unity among the school team and the wider school community. The true partnership approach between all leaders is a key strength of the school.'

'There is a tangible sense of purpose, energy and uncompromising ambition to see all pupils flourish, both academically and in their all-round development.' 

‘There is a culture of keeping pupils safe and putting them at the heart of the inclusive, friendly school community. Pupils have full trust in their teachers and teaching assistants who look after them and report that they feel safe all of the time. The school provides a strong support system for children and parents.’ 

‘Teachers teach with enthusiasm. They provide pupils with excellent resources that bring topics to life.  Teachers make creative use of the extensive school grounds to support learning. They hold high expectations.  These are clearly reflected in the great care that all pupils take with the presentation of their work and neat handwriting.'

'The school has benefited from a recent review of the wider curriculum, in which expectations of pupils have been raised in every subject.  Teachers are clear about the skills taught in all subjects and are adept at assessing what pupils know and can do.'